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A word from the Director of EPT

On Behalf of EPT’s family, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this center of excellence of the engineering education system in Tunisia. After 30 years of its creation in 1991, EPT the École Polytechnique de Tunisie keeps shining, reaching each year a new milestone in undertaking its main national mission, as fixed by the presidential law (JORT # 91-42):  Train high profile design and project engineers that contribute to make the Tunisian economy knowledge-based.

Apart from the undergraduate engineering studies, EPT is realizing its national missions through the MSc and PhD engineering programs, as well as the various research programs that its laboratories are undertaking in collaboration with national and international partners.  Since 1994, more than 1000 end of studies graduation projects, 500 MSc and 200 PhD have undertaken in collaboration with our partners (firms, institutions, laboratories) in Tunisia and abroad, in different fields of science, technology and economics. 

Convinced that there is no comfort zone in the science and technology arena, EPT keeps benchmarking with international best practices in prospecting the needs of the national and international economies. The objective being to make EPT pace up with the top international standards in terms of :

    i) systematic updating (three years cycle) of the curriculum in order to ensure that its programs and research are at the international technology frontiers in its fields of specialization;

   ii) adopting problem-based learning methods in order to endow our students with critical thinking skills, abilities to solve problems with multiple constraints, and communication skills;

   iii) promoting entrepreneurial skills and innovation spirit among our undergraduate and graduate students. 

To all our partners, from academia and industry, and on behalf of EPT’s family, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all our partners and immutable commitment to continue our fruitful cooperation.

To all our students and researchers, you are highly encouraged to take advantage from all the potentialities that EPT offers to you, including EPT Startup Incubator, Centre 4C, PEEC, FabLab; but also social activities, clubs and sports activities!

Wishing you all a very successful year 2021-2022!